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Osteopathy was founded by an American physician in 1874 and is now recognized as a legitimate natural medicine in the United States, Canada, Europe, and many other countries.


 In osteopathy, the cause of poor health is found in the whole body (using the hands) and approached. The cause is not necessarily located where the symptoms are. We focus on the relationship between the location of the symptoms and the body as a whole. In the case of long-standing chronic symptoms, there are often multiple causes.


People today live with a lot of stress and have problems in their bodies without realizing it, and they need to make some efforts to live a healthy life.


Osteopathy has a very good technique that has been passed down through a tradition of about 150 years. In our treatment room, we use techniques inherited from leading osteopaths (doctors who practice osteopathy) overseas to work on the body's structure and functions to enhance self-healing and help the body naturally create a healthy state.


Osteopathy is very soft because it is performed while reading the other person's physical reactions with the delicate sensation of the fingertips. It is safe for adults, babies, pregnant women, and the elderly.


 If you are suffering from painful symptoms, various illnesses, or unexplained physical ailments, we invite you to experience the benefits of osteopathy.